9 de noviembre de 2012

Desing a listening activity: Before, while and after.

(This is not the real picture for all these activities)
Main idea of the listening:

There are a lot of aliens in a bar, talking about how was their day. All of them are having fun with each others, except one, Bill that is reading his newspaper. Bill has a terrible day and he doesn’t want to talk with nobody, he only wants to spend his time alone. For example: Bill has 8 arms, 6 legs and 10 eyes. He is tall too.

- Before activity: What colours do you know? Share with your partners and tell it to the rest of the class.

- While activity: In this picture, what are the colours of the aliens that appear in the listening? Match them with a cross in the following table.

- After activity: Explain to rest of your class, why is an alien reading the newspaper instead of having fun with the others?

Second Language Acquisition Exercises.

1) It has been said that the Grammar- Translation Method teaches students about the target language, but not how to use it. Explain the difference in your own words.

Grammar translation method only teaches language’s structure (grammar) while other methods that also use communicative skill.

2) In the Grammar-Translation Method, grammar is treated deductively; in the Direct Method, grammar is treated inductively. Can you explain the difference between deductive and inductive treatments of grammar?

Deductive: it’s grammar translation method. First the teacher, teach the rule and then gives the examples.
Inductive: Direct methods. First the learner receive inputs (examples), then create the rule, by himself, base on the experience receive through the inputs.

3) Which of the following techniques follows from the principles of the Audio-Lingual Method, and which ones don’t? Explain the reasons for your answer.

a) No audio-lingual / Yes grammar-translation.

b) Yes (but not all). Read and answer questions.

c) No audio-lingual / Yes grammar-translation.

5) Asher believes that foreign language instruction can and should be modeled on native language acquisition. What are some characteristics of TPR that are similar to the way children acquire their native language?

- Give orders to the children for getting inputs.

- Children are silent. They don’t talk, they only listen.

- Comfortable environment for the children.

7) A lot of target language structures and vocabulary can be taught through the imperative. Plan part of a TPR lesson in which the present continuous tense, or another structure in the target language, is introduced.

The transport.

"Stand up if you came to school by car / train / bus...". Teacher complete the action with a picture of the transport.

Vocabulary: car, train, bycicle, walk, boat, underground...

Before, while and after activities for "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"

- Butterflies from the world: We are going to visit Faunia, a specific place where are lots of butterflies for all over the world.

- Life-cycle of the butterfly: The teacher brings to the class some caterpillar in a box. In this way, we can se the life-cycle. We have also to feed them.

- The number song: We are going to sing some songs like, "Ten little fingers" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9KmC1-jGNc) or "Five little monkeys" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1MxtTPm-Ek)

- Maths: We are going to work shapes: circles, rectangles and triangles; for creating a caterpillar. 

- Arts & Crafts: With collage, we can create a caterpillar and a cocoon, too.

- ICT (Information and Communication Technology): Find some interactive activities about food, using the smart board, or something similar.

- For recognize different types of food, we are going to create a bingo.

Why Zog is a good storybook?

We think that this storybook is appropriate for the children because it has magic things and they would like to become a big dragon.

It’s appropriate for the children because even it has difficult words they can follow the story.

There are no long descriptive paragraphs because for children we need easier structures.

There are literacy devices in these book like “now that you’ve been shown, you can practice on your own”.

It has a good layout because the children can follow the story watching only the pictures in it.

We can teach some values like friendship, fulfilling their goals…

“Reader” Charlie And The Chocolate Factory (Chapter 1)

Hello, I’m Charlie Bucket! These are my dad parents, Joe and Josefine. And these ones are my mother parents, George and Georgina.

These are my parents Mr. and Mrs. Bucket.

I love chocolate and I’m jealous when I see my classmates eating chocolate.

Only once a year, on my birthday, I get a chocolate bar. I eat it a little bit everyday.

The most terrible thing is that I have an ¡¡¡ENORMOUS CHOCOLATE FACTORY!!! near my house. It has big iron gates and a high wall around it and the air smells like chocolate.

Oh! I wish I could get inside!