9 de noviembre de 2012

Desing a listening activity: Before, while and after.

(This is not the real picture for all these activities)
Main idea of the listening:

There are a lot of aliens in a bar, talking about how was their day. All of them are having fun with each others, except one, Bill that is reading his newspaper. Bill has a terrible day and he doesn’t want to talk with nobody, he only wants to spend his time alone. For example: Bill has 8 arms, 6 legs and 10 eyes. He is tall too.

- Before activity: What colours do you know? Share with your partners and tell it to the rest of the class.

- While activity: In this picture, what are the colours of the aliens that appear in the listening? Match them with a cross in the following table.

- After activity: Explain to rest of your class, why is an alien reading the newspaper instead of having fun with the others?

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