4 de enero de 2013

Teaching reading (Mice)

Create activities for reading skills.

1. Skimming:

- What is the story about? Write in one or two lines.

2. Scanning:

- Write a characteristic from each mouse (only one).

3. Reading between the lines:

- Where does the third mouse live?

4. Predicting:

- Try to guess: weight, the size, how long they life and what they eat.

5. Intensive reading:

- Answer the questions: How long dos it live?
                                                Which/what high does it reach, for each jump?
                                                Which kind of food can it eat?
                                                Where does it live?
                                                What is the biggest size that Dormous has?

6. Guessing meaning from the context:

Guess the meaning from the context of: grams, months, cables and eggs.

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